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Beveled Polyester Fiber Panel
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Beveled Polyester Fiber Panel

Beveled Polyester Fiber Panel is also called polyester fiber decorative sound-absorbing panel, which is a kind of decorative material with sound-absorbing function made of polyester fiber as raw material by hot pressing and needle punching.

Pošlji povpraševanje

Opis izdelka

1. Product Introduction of Beveled Polyester Fiber Panel

Plošča iz poliestrskih vlaken se imenuje tudi dekorativna plošča za absorpcijo zvoka iz poliestrskih vlaken, ki je nekakšen dekorativni material s funkcijo absorpcije zvoka iz poliestrskih vlaken kot surovine s pomočjo vročega stiskanja in prebijanja z iglo. Ko stranka položi poliester na steno, je bolje, da robove poševno poravnate, potem bi bila povezovalna točka videti veliko bolj naravna in lepa. Tako bi večina strank uporabila ploščo iz poliestrskih vlaken.


2 .Features of Beveled Polyester Fiber Panel

Dekorativni: ploščo lahko CNC rezalni stroj razreže na različne velikosti in oblike

Ognjevarno: razred A preskušanja ASTM E84

Sound absorption: NRC0.7-0.95 with different air gap

Impact resistance, easy to clear, durable, thermal insulation, recycled material and Eco- friendly. It is an ideal replacement for the traditional fiberglass acoustic panel

Lahke tkanine, ki absorbirajo zvok, so lahke in izvrstne, tehtajo le 1–3 kg na kvadratni meter, kar lahko močno zmanjša obremenitev jeklenega okvirja stavbe in izboljša potresne lastnosti.

Strong elasticity With good elasticity, it is not easy to break under strong impact.

3. Uporabe plošče iz poševnih poliestrskih vlaken

The polyester fiber panel is widely used in the following areas: Cinema, theater, healthcare center, shopping malls, clubs, education room, stadium, home decoration, office, baffle, home theater, meeting room. It can provide a safe, quite and delightful environment for the people inside.


4. Nadaljnja obdelava plošče iz poševnih poliestrskih vlaken

The finished panel is 2420*1220mm, rectangle shape. We have the blade cutting station and laser cutting machine. And the panel can be cut to different sizes such as 1200x1200, 1200x600, 600x600, 300x300, or in round, hexagon shape, or any irregular shapes.

The four edges can be beveled, the connecting parts looks more natural on the wall in this way.

The white color can also be printed with patterns or pictures, to make it more decorative.


5 pogosta vprašanja

Q: Are you trading company or manufacturer?

O: Qdboss je profesionalni proizvajalec akustičnih plošč. In dobrodošli na obisku naše tovarne


V: Kako dolg je vaš dobavni rok?

A: Generally we have all colors in stock, so we can arrange the shipment as soon as possible. If in peak season 5-15 days with large quantity


Q: Do you provide samples of the Beveled Polyester Fiber Panel? is it free or extra ?

A: Yes, we could offer the sample for free charge, clients only needs to pay the freight.


Q: What is your terms of payment?

O: T / T ali L / C


Q: How many colors available for the Beveled Polyester Fiber Panel

A:  Qdboss can produce more than 40 colors of the Beveled Polyester Fiber Panel


Q: Can you do the OEM color for the acoustic panel

O: Da, z določeno količino lahko naredimo poljubno barvo po potrebi


Q: How do you ship the goods?

O: Naša tovarna je blizu pristanišča Qingdao Sea in mednarodnega letališča Qingdao Jiaodong, lahko pošiljamo po morju ali po zraku.


6 Why Choose Qdboss Acoustic Beveled Polyester Fiber Panel

1. Qdboss has ten years production experience for acoustic panels

2. Imamo na tisoče projektov, ki dokazujejo našo dobro kakovost in storitve, zlasti v kinematografski industriji. Top 10 kinematografskih verig uporablja našo kinoakustično ploščo

3. 7 workshops and experienced workers to ensure the fast and production and delivery

4. 24/7 available for any question about acoustic panel

5. Na voljo je celotno poročilo o testiranju SGS za požar, toplotno odpornost, sproščanje formaldehida

6. Qdboss je dobavitelj več znanih blagovnih znamk doma in v tujini

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